WebConvoys ONS 18/ON 202. ONS 18 and ON 202 were North Atlantic convoys of the ONS/ON series which ran during the battle of the Atlantic in World War II. They were the subject of a major U-boat attack in September 1943, the first battle in the Kriegsmarine ' s autumn offensive, following the withdrawal from the North Atlantic route after Black May . http://www.ons.org.br/paginas/sobre-o-ons/procedimentos-de-rede/vigentes
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On 19 September ONS 18 was sighted by U-270; after sending a sighting report she was authorized to attack. Closing in U-270 fired a T-5 acoustic torpedo at Lagan, damaging her stern, the first case of an Allied warship to be damaged by the new weapon. The escorts counter-attacked, but U-270 escaped, though Escapade was damaged by a misfire from her Hedgehog. Both Lagan and Escapade were forced to detach, returning to base under escort. Web1.1.1 agentes de geração e transmissão que atuam diretamente na rede de operação ou nas interligações internacionais; 1.1.2 agentes de distribuição, agentes de importação, … WebHá 9 horas · The number of jobs being advertised online in Britain on April 6 was 18% lower than a year earlier, though up 1% from the week before, according to weekly data from … shark birthday card printable